

Fala Hackintoshers, Blz? 👍

Nesse vídeo mostro como aplicar o patch para habilitar as placas wifi Broadcom BCM943224, BCM94331, BCM94350, BCM94360CD, BCM943602 e BCM94360NG, BCM94360CS2, BCM94352Z no nosso Hackintosh. Esse patch passou a ser necessário a partir do Mac OS Sonoma 14.0, pois não tem mais o drivers para essas placas de Wifi.

⚡️ Grupo de ofertas
🟢 https://t.me/dicasdomateus
SURPRESA 🤦 👉 https://bit.ly/NaoCliQAqui

#hackintosh #DicasdoMateus #sonoma

CHECK SIP ENABLE 👉 csrutil status

Fazer Download do OC Legacy Patcher Versão 1.0.0 ou Superior 👉 https://github.com/dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/releases ( No momento do video ele ainda era beta)

🔗 Link para o OC Legacy Patcher Sonoma 👉 https://github.com/dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/pull/1077#issuecomment-1646934494

Hackintosh notes

While the project is designed for legacy Mac hardware, we know the community is quite interested in our development of Broadcom patches. For those who wish to use the Broadcom patches on non-standard machines such as Hackintoshes, see below:

Enabling Patching support for modern Broadcom Cards To use our current patches, you’ll need to ensure the following:

  • System Integrity Protection is set to 0x803
    • csr-active-config | data | 03080000
      • Reset NVRAM or add csr-active-config to Delete to ensure the new variable is set
  • AMFI is disabled
    • boot-args | string | amfi=0x80
  • Secure Boot Model is set to Disabled
  • Following kexts are blocked:
    • com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily (Reference)
      • Set MinKernel to 23.0.0 to ensure patches only apply on Sonoma
  • Following kexts are injected:

Once these are injected, you can run OpenCore-Patcher’s Post-Install option and root patch. On reboot, Wireless support should be restored assuming your machine was configured correctly to the above.

✅🔗 TUDO PARA SEU HACKINTOSH DO ALIEXPRESS 👉 http://dicasdomateus.com.br/aliexpress

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Ola, sou Mateus de Paula, nascido no interior (Araraquara) de São Paulo, mas hoje vivendo na grande Capital, formado em Tecnologia da Informação, pós-graduado em Gestão de TI, atuo na área de tecnologia do mercado financeiro, mas um grande entusiasta da fotografia. Aqui vou compartilhar meus conhecimentos sobre Fotografia, Tecnologia da Informação e Hackintosh.

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